Online Ordering System
Your own commission-free, online ordering system
Delivery and pick-up schedules, your way
Advanced online menu system with modifiers, dietary filters and more
Contactless Dining
Promote and advertise upcoming events
Create event series for recurring events
Sell tickets on your website with zero fees
Sell products online
Show off your brand by selling merchandise
Generate new revenue with retail products
Secure transactions via Square
Digital gift cards
Purchase and send or schedule digital gift cards
Redeemable with online ordering and retail products
Sell physical gift cards as restaurants re-open
Events & Ticketing
Promote and advertise upcoming events
Create event series for recurring events
Sell tickets on your website with zero fees
“There was no one digital solution that catered to the hospitality industry. When Sociavore came around, it was the answer to how I was going to pull everything together.”
Brand Guardian, Charcoal Group